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Here you can find useful information regarding how you can learn Iceandic. All information has been sourced from the website island.is or mcc.is
Icelandic is the national language in Iceland and Icelanders pride themselves in preserving their language. It is closely related to the other Nordic languages.
The Nordic languages are made of two categories: North Germanic and Finno-Ugric. The North Germanic category of languages includes Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic. The Finno-Ugric category includes only Finnish. Icelandic is the only one that closely resembles old Norse which was spoken by the Vikings.
Learning Icelandic
Learning Icelandic helps you integrate into society and increases access to employment opportunities. Most new residents in Iceland are entitled to support for funding Icelandic lessons. If you are employed, you may be able to get the cost for Icelandic courses reimbursed through your labour union benefits. You need to contact your labour union (ask your employer which labour union you belong to) and enquire about the process and requirements.
The Directorate of Labour provides free Icelandic language courses for foreign nationals who are receiving social services benefits or unemployment benefits as well as those with refugee status. If you are receiving benefits and you are interested in learning Icelandic language, please contact your social worker or the Directorate of Labour for information about the process and requirements.
Learning Icelandic in South of Iceland - Fræðslunet Suðurlands
Fræðslunetið – Símenntun á Suðurlands is a lifelong learning center located in the South coast of Iceland.
There main goal is to offer courses for adults, develop educational opportunities for low-skilled individuals and to encourage people on the labor market to practice continuous education and career development. Fræðslunetið focus groups are those who have not completed the upper secondary level of education which is about 30% of the labor force in the area. The main issue is to enable individuals from our target group to achieve further education as to strengthen and improve their employability. Another focus group are immigrants who come from different countries, mostly Europeans. They need Icelandic language courses which are performed in five different levels and other special programs designed for immigrants to enable them to settle down in a new country.
Also provided:
More informations on courses can be found here.